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For more than 100 years, John Deere Credit has been helping agricultural producers acquire the machinery they need, when they need it. Through our proven history, we are always prepared with new financial products and solutions to help solve your most pressing issues.

Compact Utility Tractors

1E, 1R, 2R, 3D, 4044M
0.0% - 48 Months
0.9% - 60 Months
1.9% - 72 Months
2.9% - 84 Months

3R, 4052M, 4066M, 4052M HD, 4066M HD & 4R Only
0.0% - 48 Months + Bonus (ask dealer for details)
1.5% - 60 Months + Bonus (ask dealer for details)
2.5% - 72 Months + Bonus (ask dealer for details)
2.9% - 84 Months + Bonus (ask dealer for details)

3025E, 3032E, 3038E
0.0% - 60 Months
0.9% - 72 Months
1.9% - 84 Months

5E Series Tractors (3 Cylinder)

5045E, 5050E, 5055E, 5060E, 5065E, 5067E, 5075E
0.0% - 60 Months
0.9% - 72 Months
1.9% - 84 Monsth

5E Series Tractors (4 Cylinder)

5090E, 5090EL & 5100E
0.0% - 48 Months
0.9% - 60 Months
1.9% - 72 Months
2.9% - 84 Months

5G, 5M & 5R Series Tractors

1.90% - 36 Months
2.90% - 48 Months
3.90% - 60 Months
4.90% - 72 Months
5.90% - 84 Months

6E Series Utility Tractors

0.9% - 36Months
1.9% - 48 Months
2.9% - 60 Months
3.9% - 72 Months
4.5% - 84 Months

6 Series Tractors

6105M, 6110M, 6115M, 6120M, 6125M, 6130M, 6140M, 6145M, 6150M, 6155M, 6M 95, 6M 105, 6M 115, 6M 125, 6M 130, 6M 140, 6M 145, 6M 155, 6M 165. 
6105R, 6110R, 6115R, 6120R, 6125R, 6130R, 6140R, 6145R, 6150R & 6155R
6R 110, 6R 120, 6R 130, 6R 140, 6R 145, 6R 155 & 6R 165

0.90% - 36 Months
1.90% - 48 Months
2.90% - 60 Months
3.90% - 72 Months
4.50% - 84 Months

6 Series Row Crop Tractors

6170M, 6175M, 6195M, 6M 180, 6M 200, 6M 220, 6M 230, 6M 250, 6170R, 6R 175, 6175R, 6190R, 6R 195, 6195R, 6210R, 6R 215, 6215R, 6R 230, 6230R, 6R 250, 6250R

4.50% - 36 Months
4.90% - 48 Months
5.25% - 60 Months
5.50% - 72 Months
5.75% - 84 Months

7R, 8R/RT/RX, and 9R/RT/RX Series Tractors

5.00% - 36 Months
5.25% - 48 Months
5.50% - 60 Months
6.00% - 72 Months
6.50% - 84 Months
6 Month Interest Waiver

Hay & Forage

Round Balers, Round Bale Accumulators, Small Square Balers, Mower Conditioners (Excl. TMMC) & Disk Mowers
0.00% - 36 Months
1.50% - 48 Months
2.50% - 60 Months
3.25% - 72 Months
3.90% - 84 Months
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