Operation Hours: 900
Separator Hours: 539
Acres: N/A
Bale Count 1 : N/A
Options:Combine Type: Corn/Bean
Axle: PRWD
Duals/Singles: Duals
Chopper/Spreader: Chopper
Options: Yield Monitor
Options: Contour Master (Lateral Tilt Feederhouse)
Options: Fore/Aft
Options: Active Yield
Options: Powercast Tailboard
Options: Power Folding Bin Extension
Header: No
2022 S790. Loaded with every option you can get! Powercast tailboard. Powerfolding grain tank. VF750 rear tires. Brand new 580 Fronts. Leather, heated ventilated seat. Rear wheel assist. 28.5' auger. Extended wear everything! Complete AMS package including Autopath and Rowsense. LED lights. Active Terrain adjust. Combine Advisor camera package. This machine is as nice as they come. Always cleaned and put in the shed. Customer keeping tracks.
Address:1610 W Main Street
Beresford, SD 57004
Phone: (605) 763-5020
Serial Number:1H0S790SHNT820357